Namibia, 2017, May 11 to 16th
The word Etosha means a great white place, and that is a very
appropriate description of this park, Etosha National Park has an extension of
22,912 Km2 and the lands are at an altitude between 1000m and 1330m above sea
level; at this time of the year the days are sunny and warm and the nights are
fresh or cold.
La palabra
Etosha significa un gran lugar blanco, que es una descripción muy apropiada de este parque,
el Parque Nacional de Etosha tiene una extensión de 22912 Km y las tierras están en una altitud entre 1000m y
1330m sobre el nivel del mar, para esta época del año El
día es soleado y cálido y las noches son frescas o
We arrived at Etosha from the north, through the western Galton
Gate, the first part of the route was more of the riverside with ups and downs
and communities more established with some crops of corn. The second part was a
long way to the south from Ruacana, as far as the entrance to the park; this
was dry and more dedicated to livestock grazing, with a lot of cows and goats on
the route; the third part was inside the park driving to our campsite for that
night, it was calm and enjoyable even though the roads inside the park were
very corrugated, but the openness, the silence, the mix of plants, the light,
and the presence of wild animals provoked calm and pleasure.
Llegamos a
Etosha desde el norte, a través de la Puerta de Galton, la primera parte de la ruta fue más de la orilla del río con los altibajos y con comunidades más establecidas con algunos cultivos de
maíz. La segunda parte fue
un largo camino hacia el
sur desde Ruacana,
hasta la entrada del parque, es seco y más dedicado al
pastoreo de ganado, con un montón de vacas y cabras en la ruta;
La tercera parte fue
dentro del parque conduciendo a nuestro campamento para esa noche, fue tranquilo y agradable aunque la
ruta dentro del parque es muy corrugada , pero la extensión, el silencio, la mezcla de plantas, la luz,
y la presencia de
animales silvestres provocó calma y placer.
We were in the park for 5 nights and we drove around during the
days, having ample time to see the groups of animals calmly. Etosha is full of
zebras, and it's possible to see them around without any problem. It was
exciting to see two types of zebra together and compare their anatomical
characteristics. The baby zebras are expert in camouflage, their learn very
quickly to avoid the cars and hide behind their mum's body; the most curious,
who stop to watch the tourists, are kindly pushed by the adults to continue
their way.
Estuvimos en
el parque por 5 noches y condujimos durante los días, tenemos suficiente tiempo para ver los grupos de animales con
calma. Etosha está llena
de cebras, y es posible verlas sin problemas. Fue emocionante ver las dos clases de cebras juntas y
comparar sus características anatómicas. Las cebras bebé son expertas en camuflaje, aprenden muy rápido a evitar los coches y cubrir su
cuerpo con el cuerpo de las mamás, las más
curiosas, que se
detiene para mirar los turistas, son amablemente empujarlas por los adultos para que continúen el camino.

Lions were also present, it was really interesting to see adults
after the hunt and copulating. After seeing the dynamics, we were finally
able to integrate the information we had re the times a lion repeats
copulation in a day: it must be exhausting. The female lion gets up and circles the male, stands in front of him, he reacts
immediately, mounts, copulates, the female spins onto her back to rest, the
lion lies down: total time 15 sec; after a few minutes this dynamic is
repeated, again and again.

Mirar rinocerontes en
Etosha fue un
regalo, pudimos verlo cuatro de los cinco días, durante el día vimos rinocerontes macho solitarios,
llendo o viniendo de los pozos de agua, lucen impresionantes, fuertes y dueños
de su tierra; Por la noche
pudimos ver hembras con bebés, vimos tres parejas de diferentes edades. El bebé se mueve alrededor de la mamá, y las mamás son claramente protectores,
desafían los
machos que están
cerca y estos se alejan
aceptando la amenaza. El silencio en el sitio de observación, así como
la luz de la luna hicieron de este avistamiento un momento
When we got to one waterhole, the tension was evident in the air;
all the animals were alert, some of them were making calls, others after a
while were leaving; it took us some time to understand the situation: in the
area there were hyena, a group of seven, possibly two adults and five young,
they were finishing off the remains of meat in a carcass, leaving something for
the jackals circling around. One of the adults started to move to the
waterhole, with the giraffes' reactions moving in another direction to get
close to the water, there not only drinking but also following the springboks
seeking another opportunity, with its movements the rest of the group began to move in the direction of the water, however in a more
conservative and careful way. This was the first time we saw spotted hyena, it
really is a very special animal in terms of its presence and behaviour.

Finally, Etosha let us enjoy the birds: the variety of environments
creating a great opportunity to see different species in a small area, making
the experience rich and diverse. Leaving this area we went northeast to
approach the border with Botswana; we spent our night on the banks of the
Okavango River at Shamvura Lodge & campsite, this beautiful place being run
by Charlie and Mark, this couple
allowed us to understand the challenges of conservation and rural development
in the area, as well as the challenge of being together for 35 years; we
enjoyed all of the conversations and their black humour.
Por último, Etosha nos dejó disfrutar de los pájaros, la mezcla de ambientes, crea una gran oportunidad de ver
diferentes especies en un área relativamente pequeña,
haciendo la experiencia rica y diversa. Saliendo de
este lugar fuimos hacia el noreste para acercarnos a la frontera con Botswana, pasamos nuestra noche
en la orilla del río
Okavango, en Shamvura Lodge y camping, este hermoso lugar manejado por Charlie y Mark, está pareja nos permitió comprender los
retos del conservacionismo y el desarrollo rural en la zona, así como el reto de estar juntos durante 35 años, disfrutamos de todas las conversaciones
y del humor negro presente en ellas.
Alan y Marce
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Hi Alan and Marce. It is great to read about your wonderful time in Namibia! What a special place!
ReplyDeleteWe are all well and had a fantastic holiday in northern KwaZulu-Natal. We discovered a few places that we will definitely visit again in future to be able to spent more time in, namely Ithala, Tembe Elephant Park and Ndumo Game Reserve.
We are looking forward to read about your future posts on Botswana as our trip in July is drawing closer.
Enjoy and be safe.
Kindest wishes and greetings.
Japie and Hilda
Hi: we're glad you enjoyed Kwazulu-Natal, we will seek to visit these places next time in South Africa. We are about to leave Botswana after almost a month, and are now heading into Zambia. Enjoy your trip - we look forward to hearing of your adventures.
DeleteHi Alan and Marce.
ReplyDeleteYour experiences in Namibia sounds awesome and very enjoyable. It is a beautiful country as indicated by your colourful stories.
We are all very well. Our trip to northern KwaZulu-Natal was most enjoyable and we discovered a few places that we would definitely like to explore more in future, namely Tembe Elephant Park, Ndumo GR and Ithala GR.
We are looking forward to read about your experiences in Botswana in anticipation of our upcoming trip there in July.
Enjoy! Be safe and vigilant.
Warmest regards and greetings.
Japie and Hilda
Hi Alan and Marce.
ReplyDeleteYour experiences in Namibia sounds awesome and very enjoyable. It is a beautiful country as indicated by your colourful stories.
We are all very well. Our trip to northern KwaZulu-Natal was most enjoyable and we discovered a few places that we would definitely like to explore more in future, namely Tembe Elephant Park, Ndumo GR and Ithala GR.
We are looking forward to read about your experiences in Botswana in anticipation of our upcoming trip there in July.
Enjoy! Be safe and vigilant.
Warmest regards and greetings.
Japie and Hilda
Que belleza Marce!!! los relatos son acogedores... y me puedo saborear las palabras! Muy lindas las fotos!! que tal los pájaros?