Iniciamos nuestra ruta hacia el Lago Tanganyka con absoluta incertidumbre sobre nuestra llegada, los mapas disponibles mostraron carreteras secundarias, en tierra y en algunos otros solo caminos. Cuál fue nuestra sorpresa cuando nos encontramos rodando por vías nuevas y perfectamente construidas y señalizadas, que conectan las poblaciones del occidente de Tanzania. La ruta fue lenta pero esta vez por los límites de velocidad impuestos en cada centro urbano, y la existencia de una villa cada dos kilómetros.
We started on our route to Lake Tanganyika with absolute uncertainty with respect to our arrival; the maps we had showed secondary roads, unpaved, and in some cases only tracks. To our surprise we found ourselves rolling along new and perfectly constructed and signposted roads which connect the populations of western Tanzania. Travel was slow but this time because of the urban speed limits imposed in villages, there being villages every two kilometres.
Una vez en Sumbawanga estábamos a tan solo tres horas y media de nuestro destino a la orilla del lago, así que continuamos nuestra ruta, cruzando las montañas rocosas que delimitan el lago hacia el oriente. Llegamos justo cuando la luz se apagaba, una dulce voz llenó el espacio: "Bienvenidos a Lakeshore, soy Louise, ¿Eres Alan?" Saludos cordiales, una buena copa de vino, una hermosa “banda” y una cuidada comida fueron los mezcla perfecta para recuperar nuestra energía después de 11 horas en la ruta.
Once in Sumbawanga we were only three and a half hours from our destination on the lake shore, so we continued on our way, crossing the rocky mountains which border the lake to the east. We arrived just when daylight ran out, a sweet voice was heard: “Welcome to Lakeshore, I am Louise, are you Alan?”. Friendly greetings, a good glass of wine, a beautiful “banda” and a meal prepared with care were the perfect mix to recover our energy after 11 hours on the road.
Por la mañana el aire claro del lago y el cálido sol, comprendamos la belleza de este lugar en la dimensión natural y humana, cualquier prisa desapareció y la conversación de relajación con Louise, Chris y los miembros del equipo , tuvo lugar. En ella Majale National Park llegó, y sólo nos llevó unos minutos, tomar la decisión de ir allí con Chris.
In the morning the clear air of the lake and the warm sunlight let us appreciate the beauty of this place in both the natural and the human dimensions; any sense of hurry disappeared and a relaxed conversation with Louise, Chris, and the members of their team took place. Mahale National Park came up, and it took only a few minutes for us to make the decision to go there with Chris.
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Montañas en el Parque Nacional Majale |
Next day we left the Lodge before 0600h, the lake was flat and the estimate of time to get there was between 4:30 and 5:30 hours. Thirty minutes later, we were completely soaked, the wind was blowing in our direction; waves on the lake were inevitable. After five and a half hours, wet and cold, and making our bumpy way, we arrived at the park camp. Time to relax, take care of the formalities, to prepare to go walking the next day, and to enjoy the open bar and delicious food on the beach.
Empezamos temprano en la mañana a caminar hacia la montaña, cuando conseguimos la primera estación, encontramos a otros grupos de personas esperando las llamadas. Los rastreadores, utilizan las llamadas normales de los chimpancés para orientarse, esta mañana la montaña estaba tranquila y silenciosa.
We started to walk to the mountainside early in the morning; when we arrived at the first station we found other groups of people waiting to be called. The trackers use the normal calls of the Chimpanzees to orient their search; this morning the mountain was silent.
Parque Nacional de Mahale, es el parque natural más remoto de Tanzania y la casa de tres grupos de Champanzees. Es un parque de montaña y proporciona el ecosistema suficiente para la vida de los chimpancés, con Gombe Streem más al norte, son los lugares en que los chimpancés están protegidos en vida silvestre en Tanzania.
Mahale National park is the most remote natural park in Tanzania and the home of three groups of Chimpanzees. It's a mountain park and provides enough ecosystem for the Chimps to live. This park, with Gombe Stream further to the North, are the places in which the Chimps are protected in wildlife parks in Tanzania.
Después de una hora y media de espera, la llamada fue detectada por los rastradores, una familia estaba en el valle, cerca del camino original. Los tres grupos se movieron rápidamente para lograr aproximarse. El orden de llegada a la primera estación fue el orden de observación de los chimpancés, por lo que cada grupo podía verlos durante 20 minutos tres veces. Cuando pudimos ver a los chimpancés, por primera vez la familia se movía y decidieron entrar en los humedales, un área imposible de acceder. Una vez más los tres grupos estaban esperando, así que tomamos el tiempo para explorar la vegetación local, reconocer los insectos, probar las frutas disponibles y hacer una siesta en medio de este bosque bajo 32 grados C.
After an hour and half of waiting, calls were detected by the trackers; a family was in the valley, close to the initial path. The three groups moved quickly to approach them. The order of arrival at the first station was the order in which we would be allowed access to the Chimps, and each group would be permitted to see the chimps for 20 minutes three times. When we did see the Chimps for the first time, the group was moving and went into the wetlands, an area impossible for us to enter. Again the three groups were waiting, so we took time to explore the local vegetation, recognise the local insects, try the fruit available, and have a nap in the middle of this rain forest in 32 degrees C.

Finally the Chimps left the wetlands and we could start the cycle of observation. It was amazing to be close to these three females: mother, older daughter, and a female baby. They were initially breastfeeding and then grooming each other. The careful relationship and dedication is admirable, and the expressions and movement created a special sense of connection.

Pasamos casi el día en la expedición y llegamos al campamento sedientos, sucios y cansados, dispuestos a disfrutar otra cena especial en la playa.
We spent almost the whole day on the expedition and arrived at the camp thirsty, dirty, and tired, ready to enjoy another special dinner on the beach.
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Mono de cola roja |
Next day, we repeated the expedition; this time the chimps were far away - even though we tried to get close, by the time we reached the second station, it was necessary to return, so we decided to enjoy the other elements of this forest: we saw Blue Duiker, a very small and shy antelope, which we had never imagined seeing, Colobus monkey, one of the favourite dishes for chimps, and red tailed monkey.
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Red colobus monkey |
The plan was to leave at 1600h, but at 1500h the wind started again, finally at 1730h we decided to start the journey back, and two hours later it was simply impossible to continue: the wind was against us, the waves were very high, and the effort of moving was huge. Chris decided to heave to in a protected area and prepared a delicious pasta with pesto which we all ate together, enjoying the experience under the moon light, with the gentle movement of the boat.
Después de las 21:00 pm Chris comenzó de nuevo, esta vez era posible continuar, nosotros los otros dos pasajeros que compartieron con nosotros el barco pasamos el tiempo dormidos y relajándono con el movimiento del viaje, mientras Chris y Hasani, hacían un trabajo increíble juntos. Llegamos a las 4:00 am, una taza de té en la cama con una copa de oporto indujeron nuestro descanso y tuvimos otra vez la excusa perfecta para estar un día más en este paraíso: lleno de gusto, amor, disciplina empresarial, generosidad y encanto.
After 2100h Chris started south again; this time it was possible to continue. We, along with two other passengers sharing the boat with us spent our time sleeping and relaxing during the bumpy trip, while Chris and Hasani did an amazing job working together. We arrived at 0400h: a cup of tea in bed with a glass of port helped us relax and we had the perfect excuse to spend one more day in this paradisiacal place: full of taste, love, business discipline, generosity, and charm.
Alan y Marce
Photos may be used for non-commercial purposes with credit to
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