We left Archer's post relatively early in a southerly direction on a fantastic highway. The day was clear, sunny, and hot, and Mount Kenya was in front of us, with its snowy summit at 5199 metres above sea level, giving us orientation. We stopped in Isiolo for diesel and discovered the prevalence of Muslim people in this region, after that we left the main highway to climb the base of the mountain and to enjoy a beautifully curved smaller road to explore the land of the Meru people.

Dejamos Archer's post relativamente temprano en dirección sur a través de una autopista fantástica. El día estaba claro, soleado y caliente, y el Monte Kenia estaba al frente nuestro, con su cima nevada a los 5199 metros sobre el nivel del mar, dándonos orientación. Paramos en Isiolo por diésel y descubrimos la prevalencia de población musulmana en esta región, después de esto dejamos la autopista para trepar a la base del monte y disfrutar de una hermosa y curva carretera para explorar las tierras de la gente Meru.

We explored this park with the clarity that it would be the last natural park on this trip, and this awareness brought more immediacy and enjoyment to our days there. The park was devoid of tourists; in two nights we passed only one safari car with two passengers. In the light from the west, the plains and small rivers were illuminated, a lone elephant moving in the wetland stopped us for a while, after that we saw the biggest herds of buffalo in the trip, enjoying the green grass and the warm sun.
Exploramos este parque con la claridad de que sería nuestro último parqye natural en este viaje y esta conciencia nos trajo más presencia y disfrute en nuestros días aquí.el parque estaba vacío de turistas, en dos noches en el Parque solo nos cruzamos con un carro de safari con dos personas. Con La Luz llegando desde el occidente, las planicies y el pequeño río estaban iluminados y el elefante solitario moviéndose en los humedales detuvo el carro por un tiempo, después vimos la más grande manda de búfalos en este viaje, disfrutando la hierba verde y el sol suave.
Following the recommendations we had received, we used Bwatharongi Public Campsite, to discover that this place has an incredible swimming pool which we used like hippos to reduce the temperature of our bodies during the middle of the day; large groups of impalas and baboons were frequently there taking advantage of the shadow of the trees and creating a special atmosphere of wilderness, especially evident when we opened our eyes and ten pairs of others eyes were looking through the windscreen, searching for a way inside.
Siguiendo las recomendaciones recibidas, usamos el campamento de Bwatharongi, para descubrir que el lugar tenía una piscina increíble, que usamos como hipopótamos para reducir la temperatura de nuestros cuerpos durante el medio día, grandes grupos de impalas y babuinos, estuvieron con frecuencia en el lugar, tomando ventaja de la sombra de los árboles y creando una atmósfera salvaje, especialmente evidente, cuando al abrir los ojos, diez pares de otros ojos miraban por el parabrisas, buscando un lugar para entrar.
The rhino sanctuary inside the park was the best place to enjoy wildlife; the population of white rhinos is healthy and prolific, we were able to see at least six females with babies, some of these really small; in the central plains an amazing group of reticulated giraffe was crossing together, their exceptional caramel colour bright against the blue of the sky and their smooth manner of running making it seem as if the wind was moving them. To complete the experience, a movement in the bush surprised us with a beautiful lioness hunting.

At night the temperature obliged us to stay outside the car later than in previous places; the big fire, the last dinner, the refreshing beers, some scorpions, and the sky full of stars were excellent excuses to remain awake. Next morning after the morning drive we left the park heading for Nairobi. The long ascent to the colder lands around Mount Kenya was slow and full of traffic; in the high plains the potato crops were everywhere and for the first time in several months we found a café with delicious food and famous chips - Delum’s; after following the clear instructions not to miss the chips we continued on our way to Nairobi.

En la periferia de la ciudad no tuvimos oportunidad de cambiar de conductor, entonces made tuvo que seguir hasta nuestro destino, el tráfico estaba pesado pero fluido, sin embargo cuando a pedimos la salida, tuvimos que experimentar el tráfico caótico de la ciudad, mientras tratábamos de escapar. Después de anochecer y con mucho dolor en la pierna, que frena, llegamos a nuestro lugar en Karen para comenzar la preparación de nuestro retorno.
Next day we spent 3.5 hours unpacking the car; we were surprised by the number of things that we had acquired, and also happy in the memories which every item brought us. In Karen we split our time between the packing process, which was not a insignificant task, the exploration of some local places, preparation of the car for sale, and the pleasures of cooking and eating out. We were ready with enough time left to say good bye to our friends, leave the car in safe hands, and under the beautiful and unique light to enjoy our last beer in African lands, in this episode.
El siguiente día gastamos tres y media horas desempacando el carro, estábamos sorprendidos con la cantidad de cosas que teníamos y también felices de los recuerdos asociados con cada elemento. En Karen mezclamos el proceso de empacar, que no fue una tarea insignificante, con la exploración de algunos lugares, la preparación del carro para la venta y el placer de cocinar y comer alrededor. Estuvimos listos con suficiente tiempo para despedirnos de los amigos, dejar el carro y disfrutar bajo la bella y única luz nuestra última cerveza en African por esta vez.
Alan y Marce
Photos may be used for non-commercial purposes with credit to alanymarce@gmail
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